Sunday, June 03, 2007

Playing catchup

It's been ages, hasn't it? Ya'll have been too busy lolling by the pool to read blogs, right? Well - snap out of it! It's June! BIRTHDAY MONTH!
Let's start celebrating by NOT having my back go out before we leave for Chicago.

In honor of another year on this planet and the eventual cessation of my body as a feeding trough, I've bought new bras. The first, non-nursing bras in FOUR PLUS years. I had to treat myself to the fancy place in Austin, whose name I can only vaguely get right without a google. Picadilly Fair? Petticoat Junction? Petticoat Palace? It's the bra place where the bras are hidden in drawers and you sign up for a fitting (which is really secondary because these are the ladies who can size you up as you are walking in the door.) So I went for supportive, yet pretty. And for a size I've never seen before.

In other news
We have a new critter in our house. A caterpillar. I hunted around the fennel to see if we had the proliferation of caterpillars that we had last year. Not yet. I found one lonely tiny little thing, that has now tripled in size and is still smaller than a fingertip. I'm not sure when it eats because it always appears to be dozing when I happen to look in on its little bug keeper.

Tonight at our friend's house N piped up and sang "A-B-C-D-E-F-GEORGE!" in honor of their dog, George. And J chased around Toast (the cat) screaming MEOW almost as loudly as Toast does [Toast being a sibling of Adrian for those who knew how loud Adrian was.] We had a splendid time just relaxing (and eating lamb burgers, yum! and a crisp with homemade ice cream, yum again!) with old friends.

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